Generate Thousands of Annotated Images in Seconds

Streamline your Computer Vision Projects with our Synthetic Image Generation Tool

Try it (no credit card)

Easy Upload

Drag and drop your 3D asset in a supported file format or select from our library.


Define the orientation of your 3D asset within the image and select your preferred background and lighting randomization.

Object Detection

Generate tight bounding boxes around the objects in each synthetic image.

Instance Segmentation

Polygon annotations are available for when bounding boxes won't cut it.


Single-label and mutli-label classifcation annotations for simple use cases.


Don't waste time centering your objects within the frame. We'll do it for you.

Annotation Preview

See what the annotations will look like before generating the dataset.

Multi-Asset Support

Preview and configure up to 10 assets with unique randomizations.

Thousands of Images Free

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